Humans have been familiar with macroscopic organisms (organisms big enough to see with the unaided eye) since before there was a written history, and it is likely that most cultures distinguished between animals and land plants, and most probably included the macroscopic fungi as plants. Therefore, it became an interesting challenge to deal with the world of microorganisms once microscopes were developed a few centuries ago.
Many different naming schemes were used over the last couple of centuries, but it has become the most common practice to refer to eukaryotes that are not land plants, animals, or fungi as protists.

The word “protist” was first suggested by Ernst Haeckel in the late nineteenth century. It has been applied in many contexts and has been formally used to represent a kingdom-level taxon called Protista. However, many modern systematists (biologists who study the relationships among organisms) are beginning to shy away from the idea of formal ranks such as kingdom and phylum. Instead, they are naming taxa as groups of organisms thought to include all the descendants of a last common ancestor (monophyletic group). During the past two decades, the field of molecular genetics has demonstrated that some protists are more related to animals, plants, or fungi than they are to other protists. Therefore, not including animals, plants and fungi make the kingdom Protista a paraphyletic group, or one that does not include all descendants of its common ancestor. For this reason, protist lineages originally classified into the kingdom Protista continue to be examined and debated. In the meantime, the term “protist” still is used informally to describe this tremendously diverse group of eukaryotes.
Most protists are microscopic, unicellular organisms that are abundant in soil, freshwater, brackish, and marine environments. They are also common in the digestive tracts of animals and in the vascular tissues of plants. Others invade the cells of other protists, animals, and plants. Not all protists are microscopic. Some have huge, macroscopic cells, such as the plasmodia (giant amoebae) of myxomycete slime molds or the marine green alga Caulerpa, which can have single cells that can be several meters in size. Some protists are multicellular, such as the red, green, and brown seaweeds. It is among the protists that one finds the wealth of ways that organisms can grow.
There are over 100,000 described living species of protists, and it is unclear how many undescribed species may exist. Since many protists live as commensals or parasites in other organisms and these relationships are often species-specific, there is a huge potential for protist diversity that matches the diversity of hosts. As the catchall term for eukaryotic organisms that are not animal, plant, or fungi, it is not surprising that very few characteristics are common to all protists.
Text adapted from “Biology” by Openstax College. Download for free at:
To complete this activity, you will work with the video posted to Canvas, “Protists Under the Microscope.” You’ll find video clips of 10 organisms that can be found in pond water, viewed through a microscope.
View the organisms shown in the video, provide an identification, and answer the associated questions. Pause and rewind as much as needed to answer the first group of questions.
Begin by finding them on the simple ID sheet posted below, and then looking for more information at the following websites:
- You may also wish to do a Google search for additional information once you have a guess as to the ID
1. What is this organism’s number (from the black screen on the video)?
2. Identification – What type of organism is it?
3. Is it single-celled, or multicellular?
4. Describe how it moves. Does it have structures for movement?
5. Do you think this organism performs photosynthesis? Why or why not?

Follow up questions:
- Do you think all of the species we viewed under the microscope today are very closely related to one another? Explain your answer.
- What did all the organisms viewed today have in common, in terms of their habitat?
Landing page:
Plant diversity:
Protist diversity:
Fungi identification:
Fungal dichotomous key:
Virtual Growth Week 6: