Infectious diseases that can be passed between partners during sexual intercourse are caused by a wide variety of organisms that we call pathogens (disease-causing agents). Let’s review a few of the more common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).  

Unique Way Gonorrhea Breaks Down the Female Body's Defenses « Invisiverse  :: WonderHowTo
Disease:Caused by:Type:Symptoms:Prevention/Treatment
GonorrheaNeisseria gonorrhoeaeBacteriaThick discharge from the penis or vagina; or no symptoms. Can cause infertility if untreated.Can be prevented by using condoms; treated with antibiotics
ChlamydiaChlamydia trachomatisBacteriaPelvic pain and fluid discharge; or no symptoms. Can cause infertility if untreated.Can be prevented by using condoms; treated with antibiotics
SyphilisTreponema pallidumBacteriaPainless sores at infection site, skin rash, swollen lymph nodes, fever. Can affect the heart, brain, and other organsCan be prevented by using condoms; treated with antibiotics
TrichomoniasisTrichomonas vaginalisProtozoanVaginal itching and yellow-green discharge; irritation in urethra in some menPrevent with condoms; treat with antiprotozoal medication
Pubic lice or “crabs”Pediculus
InsectTransmitted by skin to skin contact, or contact with infected bed, towel, or clothing. Itching caused by allergy to bitesCondoms will not prevent; treated with delousing agent
Yeast infectionCandida
FungiNormal inhabitants of the female reproductive tract, but cause whiteish discharge and itching during overgrowthPrevented by condoms; treated with antifungal medication
HIV/AIDSHuman immuno-deficiency virusVirusSymptoms vary depending on phase of infectionAbstinence and condoms can reduce risk of infection

In your worksheet, describe and sketch the following pathogens that cause some of the common STDs. Indicate what type of pathogen it is (virus, bacteria, protist, fungus, or animal).

Candida Albicans/Yeast Infection
Chlamydia trachomatis/Chlamydia
Human immunodeficiency virus
Pediculus pubis/Pubic lice
Treponema pallidum/Syphilis


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